
My husband and I have always loved seeing the world. Before (4) kids, we've been fortunate to see almost every state in the U.S. (Still need to check off Vermont, Rhode Island and Alaska from the list.) We've been to Ireland, Italy, Mexico and the Caribbean together. Australia and India separately.  Exploring new cities and cultures has taught us that the world is a friendly and beautiful place. (... deep down in my heart, I still believe this ...) Stepping out of our comfort zone (driving a rental car in Italy, riding a rickshaw in India, living in the rainforest… Read More >>
My husband and I have been surviving this first year with the twins (plus the 6 and 3 year old) with HELP.  I can't tell you how grateful we are for the help of family and friends to keep mommy and daddy sane and the household running.  A few of our star tribe members: * My mom - master of laundry, dishes, diaper changes, lullaby singing, you name it, she's on it. * My in laws - entertainers of the big kids, holders of the littlest ones, meal prep and cleanup superstars. * a Jill and a Sue - two… Read More >>
"So, I've got some news."  This is what the ultrasond tech tells me when I'm in the office for a sono to determine how many weeks I am in my pregnancy.  We didn't know how far along we were since we had a miscarriage just before this pregnancy.  The early sonogram was able to tell me that I was 7 weeks along. But first, the tech tells me this sentence.  "So, I've got some news."  She was only about 30 seconds into the ultrasound and she says this.  I'm a very kind and sweet person, but the response that came… Read More >>
I <3 you, avocado... This yummy fruit is loaded with the good stuff.  If you're pregnant, you should definitely incorporate this powerhouse into your diet.  Avocados contain folate which benefits baby's development and mom's continued health.  They are filled with calcium, Vitamins C, E K, B1, B2 and B6. Avocado provides fiber which improves digestion, it is rich in iron and aids in absorption of other nutrients.  It is said that the vitamins and minerals found in avocados can help prevent depression in the expecting mom, assist with leg cramps and even help to combat nausea.  These babies are a… Read More >>
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