Wednesday September 7th, 36 weeks. I had just finished the bedtime routine for Wes and Clara. I come downstairs by around 9pm and the moment I’m not taking care of the big kids, I realize what’s been going on with my body. I notice wave like contractions that seem to be pretty frequent, at least 10 minutes apart. I go into the kitchen to tell Adam who is just finishing up his fantasy football draft (convenient timing.) His response was “Are you serious?” We had focused so much on making it to 37 weeks as our goal for our home… Read More >>
41 weeks and 3 days... Waiting "patiently" up until this point has been challenging. I had sciatic pain for the last 6 weeks of pregnancy, so I was quite ready to meet this little baby. Jill our midwife was the most amazing support as we approached 40 weeks with no signs of labor beginning. She did an extended listen to baby's heart rate. There were no decelerations after movement, and baby's heart rate never went below her baseline. Jill reassured us that everything was normal with baby and I, so we just continued to wait until baby decided it was… Read More >>
39 weeks and 5 days. I woke up early on February 26, 2011 feeling slight waves of discomfort. I assumed that it was contractions. I never felt any Braxton Hicks contractions throughout my pregnancy, and since I was 2 days away from our baby's "due date" I was hoping that these were actual contractions. It was very much "wave-like," the pain would fade in and out, but was never so painful that it made me stop what I was doing. I also noticed a little spotting and cramping that felt period like. All the books tell you to rest when… Read More >>

Podcast Interviews

In these podcasts, Amy shares her empowering birth experiences from two home births and a hospital birth with the twins."

Amy´s Home Birth Story
Episode #12 US roadtrip - Amy´s Home Birth Story.

Amy´s Twin Birth Story
Episode #13 US roadtrip - Amy´s Twin Birth Story.

The Birth Hour, Episode #213
A Twin Story, from a Healthy Pregnancy to a Powerful Birth.

Motherbirth.Co, Episode #56
Vaginal & Cesarean Twin Birth.

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